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F-orstyrrelsen is the F-Klub's main committee.

  • Economics
  • External communication
  • Creation of subcommittees
  • Everything that is not handled by subcommittees

The F-orstyrrelse can be contacted at


The Treo is responsible for the goods that are available from the F-Klub's fridges.

  • Ordering goods
  • Accepting payments to the Stregsystem
  • Entering new users into the F-Klub
  • Maintenance of the Stregsystem

The Treo is accepting payment to the Stregsytem at the Thorshavn every Friday between 12.00 and 12.30, during this time it is also possible to enroll.

To contact the treo write to: Duks

Duks is an alias for the group currently responsible for putting goods in the fridges.

If the fridges are running low on goods you are welcome to send a friendly, and firm mail to duks(at) explaining the current situation of the fridges.


Initiv is responsible for arranging parties and other social events.

This includes the following events:

  • Christmas lunch
  • Sports day
  • Fastelavn
  • etc…

Initiv can be contacted at

Other committees

The F-Klub has a number of other committees. These can be seen at Udvalg

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