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tos [17-10-2022 14:41]
falkecarlsen oprettet
tos [24-09-2024 15:32] (nuværende)
Linje 1: Linje 1:
-Stregsystem ​Terms of Service.+F-klubben ​Terms of Service.
   - By registering with F-klubben you allow us to process your supplied data (including but not limited to name, username, email, account balance, membership-year) for Stregsystem purposes (including but not limited to effectuating sales, keeping sales records, calculating ranklist)   - By registering with F-klubben you allow us to process your supplied data (including but not limited to name, username, email, account balance, membership-year) for Stregsystem purposes (including but not limited to effectuating sales, keeping sales records, calculating ranklist)
Linje 6: Linje 6:
   - You may at any time wish for your account to be made in-active, thus not available to entities other than administrative personnel.   - You may at any time wish for your account to be made in-active, thus not available to entities other than administrative personnel.
   - You may at any time request data that we keep on your account.   - You may at any time request data that we keep on your account.
-  - You may at any time request your account to be closed and all concomitant data to be deleted. By requesting this, you membership is revoked as per article 3. +  - You may at any time request your account to be closed and all concomitant data to be deleted. By requesting this, you membership is revoked as per article 3
 +This document was last updated on 24. Sep. 2024.
tos.1666010468.txt.gz · Sidst ændret: 17-10-2022 14:41 af falkecarlsen
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