Dette er en gammel udgave af dokumentet!

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Minecraft version 1.18.1 must be installed.

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The tournament will include multiple different gamemodes.

For each gamemode, the winner gets 3 points, 2nd place gets 2 points and the 3rd place gets 1 point.

In case of tiebreakers, the player that are tied will be playing an additional round of a gamemode (which gamemode depends on the number of players tied).

Gamemode 1 - Normal Snowball Fight

Everyone gets teleported into the map with some deadly snowballs.

Snow blocks can be crafted in your inventory (2×2 snowballs) which can be placed around the map.

The snow blocks, contrarily to other blocks, can be destroyed (faster if you use the given shovel).

Kill other players with snowballs to earn points. The game ends when the first player hits 30 player kills.

In case of tiebreakers (for 2nd and 3rd), the first player(s) to reach said tiebreaking points wins.

Gamemode 2 -

Gamemode 3 -

flan/minecraft_snebold_kamp.1647464413.txt.gz · Sidst ændret: 16-03-2022 22:00 af slorup
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