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flan:minecraft_snebold_kamp [18-03-2022 13:23]
flan:minecraft_snebold_kamp [01-04-2022 18:58] (nuværende)
Linje 5: Linje 5:
 ====== Rules ====== ====== Rules ======
-Minecraft ​version ​1.18.1 must be installed.+Minecraft ​Java edition Version ​1.18.1 must be installed. ​NOTE: This is NOT the newest version of Minecraft!
 Server Address: Server Address:
-The tournament ​will include multiple ​different gamemodes.+The tournament ​includes 2 different gamemodes. Each gamemode will be played twice.
 For each gamemode, the winner gets 3 points, 2nd place gets 2 points and the 3rd place gets 1 point. For each gamemode, the winner gets 3 points, 2nd place gets 2 points and the 3rd place gets 1 point.
-In case of tiebreakersthe player that are tied will be playing an additional round of a gamemode ​(which gamemode depends on the number of players tied).+ 
 +In case of tiebreakers ​after the 4 games we consider: 
 +1: Most 1st places 
 +2: Most 2nd places 
 +3: Best placement in the last gamemode
Linje 30: Linje 37:
-**Gamemode 2 - **+**Gamemode 2 - Spleef** 
 +Everyone gets teleported to an arena with 5 layers of snowblocks. 
 +The snowblocks can be destroyed by throwing snowballs at them. 
 +Your goal is to survive as long as possible. 
 +Players are knocked out of they fall down from the last layer.
-**Gamemode 3 - ** 
 ====== Admins ====== ====== Admins ======
-Nicklas Slorup Johansen. Discord: Slorup#0001+Nicklas ​"Slorup" ​Johansen. Discord: Slorup#0001
-Rasmus Simba Christensen. Discord: ​simba#1317+Emil "​STACHE"​ Henriksen. Discord: ​STACHE#6236
flan/minecraft_snebold_kamp.1647606238.txt.gz · Sidst ændret: 18-03-2022 13:23 af slorup
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