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flan:aram [28-10-2021 08:32]
flan:aram [23-10-2024 19:24] (nuværende)
Linje 1: Linje 1:
-Tilmeldning:​ [[https://​​flan-tournaments/​flan-6100-league-of-legends-aram/616d2c23731b0c11ba80a837/​info|Link]]+Tilmeldning:​ [[https://​​flan-tournaments/​flan-10946-league-of-legends/​670e35b666de72002a252107/​info|Link]]
 Server: EUW Server: EUW
-Map: Howling Abyss+Map: Summoner'​s Rift
-ModeAll Random 5v5+FormatDouble elimination
-Rule 0: Have fun!! All participants are given a random champion during champion selection. (No Re-roll)\\ +Når turneringen starter og en kamp er klar til at sættes i gang vil der igennem Battlefy bliver givet en tournament-codeDenne kode skal indtastes ved at klikke på 'Play' ​og derefter på turneringssymbolet oppe i højre hjørne.
-Rule 1: A player can only play for one team during the tournament.\\ +
-Rule 2: Games are best of one.\\ +
-Rule 3: The result of a game must be immediately reported to Jonas 'Rusling' ​Johansen on discord.\\+
-Create or join a game using the following guide:\\ +Turneringsansvarlige**Victor Doré** på discord.
- +
-Creating a game: +
-  - Launch the League of Legends Client and login into your EUW account. +
-  - Press Play and choose to Create Custom. +
-  - Configure the Name to "FLAN 610.0 - #", where "#"​ is the current tournament round. +
-  - Configure the Team Size to "​5"​. +
-  - Configure the Password to "#",​ where "#"​ is the current tournament round. +
-  - Configure the Game Type to "All Random"​. +
-  - Configure the Allow Spectators to "​All"​. +
-  - Check that all configurations are correct. +
-  - If all configurations are correct, press the "​CONFIRM"​ button. +
- +
-The other participant can now join your game!! +
- +
-Joining a game: +
-  - Launch the League of Legends Client and login into your EUW account. +
-  - Press Play and choose to a Join Custom. +
-  - Search for a game called "FLAN 610.0 - #", where "#"​ is the current tournament round. +
-  - When you have located the game, click on the game and press the "​JOIN"​ button. +
-  - A request for a password will appear, here type "#",​ where "#"​ is the current tournament round. +
- +
-You have now joined the game and are ready to play!!+
flan/aram.1635402720.txt.gz · Sidst ændret: 28-10-2021 08:32 af theodor349
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