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english:start [24-05-2007 18:13]
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english:start [22-09-2021 13:42] (nuværende)
zaph-x [Become a member]
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-====== F-Klubben ​in English ====== +====== ​Velkommen to the F-Klub Wikipage ====== 
-TODO+Not all subpages are available. Please feel free to translate more page. 
 +  * [[http://​​translate?​hl=en&​sl=da&​tl=en&​| in english]] 
 +We suggest to use Google translate to navigate the pages in English.  
 +===== What is F-klubben? ​===== 
 +F-klubben is an study association for all studens and employees at what was once called the F-sector, which includes primarily Computer Science, Informatics,​ Interaction Design, Mathematics,​ Physics, and Software Engineering. The purpose of F-klubben is to organise social activities for people across field of study and semesters. 
 +===== Become a member ===== 
 +==== Sign-up links ==== 
 +To facilitate easier sign-up we have made these 2 links available:  
 +  - Send membership fee: [[mobilepay://​send?​phone=004590601&​comment=Tilmeld USERNAME&​amount=200|LINK]] 
 +  - Write email with sign-up information:​ [[​body=Username%3A %0D%0AFirstname%3A %0D%0ALastname%3A %0D%0AEmail%3A %0D%0AStudy programme%3A %0DYear%3A %0D%0ALast 4 digits of the MobilePay transaction ID%3A |LINK]] 
 +To become a lifetime member of F-klubben, you need to do the following:​ 
 +  - Have a username in mind. 
 +  - Remember that... 
 +    - the membership fee is DKK 200. 
 +    - there are a few duties for 3rd and 4th semester students. Please refer to [[:duks|]] and [[treo:​duksemail|]] (in Danish). 
 +  - Send membership fee + desired amount available for your account to 90601 using MobilePay (make sure that the recipient is "​F-klubben - Stregsystemet"​). Please write "​Tilmeld //​yourUsername//"​ in the comment (**important**). 
 +    - If you don't have MobilePay, please send an email to [[mailto:​|]]. The TREO will then get in touch with you. 
 +  - Send an email to [[mailto:​|]] with your desired username, first and last name, email address, field of study, and the last four digits of the transaction ID (under "​Activities"​ --> "​F-klubben - Stregsystemet"​ --> "​Transaction details"​) in MobilePay. 
 +  - Optionally like [[https://​​fklub/​|F-klubben on Facebook]] (usually in Danish). 
 +  - Optionally become a member of the [[https://​​groups/​721831544500061/​|Fembers group on Facebook]] (usually in Danish). 
 +You are now a member! You can now send extra money to your account in the Stregsystem through MobilePay whenever you wish - the number is 90601. 
 +The minimum amount to send is DKK 50. Please write your username in the transaction comment. Do **NOT** send an extra transaction with a tiny amount along with your username if you forget the first time around, we'll find you anyway - just remember it next time! 
 +Note that the deposit to Stregsystem accounts is done manually, and it can take up to a few days (possibly longer during holidays). Write an email to [[mailto:​|]] if you believe that you've been forgotten. Please include the four last digits of the MobilePay transaction ID. 
 +===== Useful Links ===== 
 +  * [[treo:​stregsystem|Payment for the stregsystemet]] 
english/start.1180023216.txt.gz · Sidst ændret: 16-09-2011 18:48 (ekstern redigering)
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